Leathermen of Switzerland meet Pasta del Amore

Unbelievable but true. We are on television. On Facebook. On Youtube. On SRF. With Pasta del Amore. That is with Heinz and Werni. At Männerzone. Not at Rössli. The guys got lost and spent a great evening with the Leathermen of Switzerland. Best have a look for yourself!

Share diligently! Place us on Twitter, on Snapchat, on WeChat, WerniChat, HeinzChat and on all the other channels and stages.

Thank you Heinz and Werni for your commitment! We will see each other again. At Rössli?

Important Update on COVID-19

Dear Leathermen of Switzerland and friends!

The current events around the coronavirus and the resulting decisions and actions by governments and authorities force us as an association to act accordingly.

We follow the situation and official recommendations of the local authorities for our venues daily and carefully.

Some events have to be re-arranged or canceled due to the changed conditions. We will inform you about all changes in event planning in a timely manner. The events will be marked in the calendar accordingly.

We are currently looking for alternatives how to keep our club and community life active under the changed conditions. We appreciate your ideas and suggestions for this via info@leathermen.ch.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Your Executive Board

Report from the ECMC AGM 2019 Roma

This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the European Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs (ECMC) and the associated election of Mr. Leather Europe 2020 were held in Rome from October 11th to 13th. The meeting was hosted by LC Roma, who also organized a wonderful supporting program. We gladly accepted the invitation and the Leathermen of Switzerland were represented by five of their members.

Welcoming new clubs to the ECMC

For the official part, the general assembly with the delegates of the leather clubs, we had the opportunity to present the association again and apply for probationary membership. We received a lot of support in the forefront. Twelve ECMC clubs had submitted letters of recommendation and thus set a clear sign. Subsequently, our admission was confirmed with no dissentient. This is a step into full membership next year. At this point a big “Thank you” to the European leather community and their confidence in our young club!

Cymru Leathermen were granted full membership. The club International Leather and Boots Spain (ILBS) was accepted as probationary member and the young clubs Gear Club Portugal and Leathermen Club of Spain received observer status. A promising development!

Organizational decisions for the future

The General Assembly approved a constitutional change to rebuild the institutional structure to meet today’s needs and drive future development. The new statutes foresee a secretariat of three persons that jointly coordinate the interests of the association, which were formerly handled by a single secretary. The institution of a “secretariat” was deliberately chosen as differentiation from other forms like a “board”, which would have implied a hierarchical management. The secretariat is elected “in corpore” among the candidate teams, so that a good cooperation is guaranteed. The responsibilities are divided into the areas chairmanship, secretary and media moderator.

Until the next AGM, when the first secretariat team will be elected, a transition team led by Arthur Peremans (MSA) will take over the coordination of the association.

We welcome this change and the impetus to help shape the organization for the future.

We would like to thank Daniel Dumont, who has been managing the ECMC for the past 10 years!

Mr. Leather Europe becomes an official brand

Another item on the agenda of the meeting was the legal protection of the title Mr. Leather Europe. In the past, national and international titles were repeatedly registered and commercialized as trademarks by third parties and thus snatched from the community. To prevent the same thing from happening to the ECMC, the Motorsportsclub Amsterdam (MSA) has registered the title as a trademark on behalf of the ECMC, so that the Mr. Leather Europe title remains self-administered in the community. The right of use is made available free of charge to the respective association hosting the election. Bravo and thank you MSA! This is how community works.

Extensive framework program of the LC Roma

Rome and the Romans were truly excellent hosts.

The weather was perfect and the city showed its best side with up to 25 degrees Celsius and blue sky.

For those who had already arrived on Thursday, there was a Meet & Greet in the “Coming Out” bar within sight of the Colosseum. An opportunity to greet friends, make the first new contacts with beer and wine and forge plans for the night together.

On Friday, there was a whipping workshop for the inquisitive. In the evening, leather folks met once again in the “Coming Out” bar. The eight candidates for the Mr. Leather Europe 2020 election were presented and interviewed. Party mice and night owls went on to the welcome party for dancing and flirting…

On Saturday, all those who were not registered as delegates to the General Assembly could go to a city tour through Rome: Colosseum, Spanish Staircase, Vatican City, Pantheon and much more showed their best side. Rome is a living museum and the impressions collected qualify for a return.

In the evening, the election for Mr. Leather Europe 2020 was held in the restaurant La Limonaia. A great location and a four-course gala dinner provided a perfect setting. The hosts led through the evening and each candidate took the opportunity to present themselves to the international audience and make themselves popular with show acts. The title was brought to Italy Evert from the Netherlands could close its title year.

After the election we used a bus shuttle to a location that on regular days is a gay sauna to celebrate, cruise, chat, laugh, dance… A clever idea that is anything but obvious ?. Awesome!

On Sunday, a great brunch buffet was served on a roof terrace in restaurant Ristorante Le Mura. Italian delicacies helped to overcome the after-effects of a long night and the discomforts of bidding farewell. Fortunately, we know that “after the event is before the event” and so we will see each other sooner rather than later.

Thank you LC Roma for this great weekend. Well done!

Next year the ECMC AGM goes to Nice. We are already looking forward to the program of the club Evidence.

Statement on the title “Mr. Leather Switzerland”

Due to current developments and frequent misunderstandings regarding the award of the title “Mr. Leather Switzerland”, we consider a clarification to be necessary and issue the following statement:

“Mr. Leather Switzerland 2017” / “Mr. Leather Switzerland 2018”

The titles “Mr. Leather Switzerland 2017” and “Mr. Leather Switzerland 2018” were not awarded by the association Leathermen of Switzerland. The association is neither responsible for the organisation of the title holder elections nor does it own the rights to the titles.

The Leathermen of Switzerland (LMS) are a leather fetish association focusing on the development and maintenance of the leather community in Switzerland. Its activities are intended to bring like-minded people and friends together. It offers a platform for networking and exchange. The association organizes about 20 events each year in Switzerland and abroad and promotes member initiatives that serve the purpose of the association. The emphasis is on socialising and creating a setting in which interested persons can appear in the local public without feeling constrained.

The LMS promotes and boosts the diversity of the community within Switzerland in addition to the fetish groups of other orientations. Furthermore, it collaborates with other leather fetish groups throughout Europe and cultivates transregional contact.

The LMS clearly positions itself as a non-commercially oriented organisation and does not support any activities of third parties that are incompatible with its objectives. This includes the organisation of events, the appointment of representatives, the awarding of titles, offices, honours or the like, whose objectives are not deeply rooted in the ideas of the leather community.

Election for “Mr. Leather Switzerland 2020”

The association Leathermen of Switzerland (LMS) is not affiliated with the organisation of the “Mr. Leather Switzerland 2020” election announced for October 2019 in Basel.

The Board of the LMS distances itself from the nomination of a new “Mr. Leather Switzerland” as announced. In their opinion, a title holder of this kind would have to be capable of representing the Swiss leather community both internally and externally.

If a title suggests to represent a community as a whole (e.g. geographically), it should be made available to the community in its entirety – regardless of any trademark rights. The awarding of titles and the guidelines for fulfilling its official duties must be broadly supported within the community. An elected representative of the Community is solely accountable to the Community and to himself.

For the generic production of “Mr. Switzerland” titles, which are not rooted in the particular community, we see no legitimation and therefore no need.

LMS on Tour: AGM ECMC Paris 2018

At Zurich Pride in June 2018, the Swiss Fetish Communities were honoured by the visit of Daniel Dumont, secretary of the ECMC (European Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs). Daniel got a picture of the current activities and the fresh impulses that are giving the communities a new drive. In the aftermath of the Pride, the ECMC invited us to attend their AGM (Annual General Meeting) as observers and to introduce the Leathermen of Switzerland to the member clubs of the ECMC.

We were glad to accept this invitation! Last weekend (Oct. 12th to 14th), the board travelled to Paris and introduced the club’s short history to the delegates of the member clubs: Our ideas and concepts, goals as well as the event calendar 2018. The participants followed with great interest and benevolence. They were pleased to see a young team carrying on the ideas and values of the Leather community – in a modern approach and though in awareness of its heritage. The club’s achievements within only a few months were honoured as a great success. After a very positive feedback to the presentation, lively discussions about the goals and the future development of the club continued until the following night when we had to say goodbye.

As part of our forthcoming application as a member of the ECMC, we were offered to nominate a member of the jury electing the Mr. Leather Europe 2019 – a title awarded annually by the ECMC. As Mr. Leather Switzerland 2017, Reto was invited as a contestant and finally become 1st runner-up (2nd place).

The meeting and the social programme of the whole weekend were organized by the club ASMF (Association des Sports Motocyclistes de France).

We are looking forward to the ongoing cooperation with the ECMC and its clubs. Will you join us for the next AGM in Rome in October 2019?

We are pleased to share more details and insights at the next Regulars’ Tables. Looking forward to seeing you!

Leather Social Zürich – July 28th 7.30pm @Volkshaus

Leathermen of Switzerland Regulars’ Table

The Leathermen of Switzerland meet for the first regulars’ table in Zurich. The event is meant for all members, prospects and their friends. Lets debate, tattle and also revisit the last Swiss Pride events – but first and foremost wear our leather with pride!

For more information see leathermen.ch/en/events/2018-07-28-leather-social-zurich

All future events leathermen.ch/en/events.

Looking forward to seeing you!