Zurich Pride Festival 2018: LMS Leather Dinner

Zurich: Huusmaa Badenerstrasse 138, Zurich, Switzerland

Join the Leathermen of Switzerland for a night in black leather! We start into the night with a Leather Dinner at Restaurant Huusmaa. Meet the canditates for Mr. Leather Switzerland. Afterwards we will head to the Männerzone at which the Swiss Gear Heads will host a meet & greet event. Please register for the dinner […]

Join the Club: LMS Leather Dinner (2018-04)

Zurich: Huusmaa Badenerstrasse 138, Zurich, Switzerland

Join the Leathermen of Switzerland for a night in black leather! We start at 7.30pm with a Leather Dinner at Restaurant Huusmaa. So far we plan to have Fondue in the "chalet". Afterwards, we will head to the cosy Männerzone for a couple of drinks. Those up for more fun come to the Rage Club […]