Update for the event
Due to the changed situation, this year’s event cannot be held as announced. It will be canceled without substitution.
On March 13, 2020 the BLF canceled the event “Easter in Berlin 2020” in order not to endanger the safety of its guests.
On March 14, 2020, the Berlin Senate issued a legal ordinance for the containment of the coronavirus. It includes a ban on events and the restriction of the operation of various facilities. All public and private events are prohibited for groups of 50 or more people. Facilities such as pubs, bars and dance halls will remain closed until at least April 19. This also affects the Sally Bowles.
Further information: https://www.berlin.de/rbmskzl/aktuelles/rathaus-aktuell/2020/meldung.906890.php
The LMS Friday Buffets at Sally Bowles
Our Friday Buffets at Easter Berlin and Folsom Europe already have become a small institution.
A few voices from last year:
Can’t wait
Love it !!!!
Thank you so much we had a wonderful time this evening and the food was delicious. Met lots of nice people too. A great evening xx
[…] Wow what a wonderful buffet. So much food and so good. A lovely evening we really enjoyed it.
It was a great and friendly atmosphere at the Folsom Europe Friday Buffet! Thank you all for coming, thank you Oliver & Sebastian for the fantastic homemade food and thank you John O’Brien for the great pictures! See you again at LMS Friday Buffet on Easter Berlin!
As always food was plentiful and delicious but most of all the company was fantastic. You have created a wonderful atmosphere and sense of community. Thank you merci danke grazie
The price of EUR 32,- includes the rich buffet and an aperitif drink.
To ensure that we can prepare everything in the usual quality and with love, the number of participants for the buffet is limited to 40 people.